People do not even remember times when photography art was quite belittled. It was considered to be limited as a mechanical art because of its dependency on technology. Frankly speaking, photography is not managed automatically. This process can`t be implied just by the use of a camera (even the best one).

Assessment of the role of photography in the world of different arts has been dominated by the awareness of its assumed objectiveness. Everyone needs an experienced well-versed photographer near me, who will be able to include creativity into the automatic method of taking photos. However, the equipment sometimes limits the artist to portraying existing facilities, places and people rather than illustrative or fancied or landscapes and galaxies.

A great variety of different filters and lenses can modify the image. An influential photo can distribute information about mankind and its environment, show the world we meet each day (considering that it`s not the same) and expand understanding and knowledge humanity possesses. Nowadays, it`s not that difficult to accept the fact that photography is one of the most significant inventions since the printing press.

Speaking about the 21st century, we are to mention admiring Mary Ellen Mark, who is acknowledged to be a role model in the development of modern photography. This amazing woman is known as a weekly contributor to popular magazines everyone knows and reads: Life, Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone.

The masterpiece created by this woman inspirited spectators and both professional and amateur photographers all over the world for decades. Mary Ellen Mark has become a well-known artist for documenting eclectic personalities of people from different part of the world. Otherwise, these people could be forgotten and still unknown. A photographer is predominantly working in black and white.

Mary Ellen is a female photojournalist, whose career and contribution to society admire adolescents, young people and adults. One should stress that her photos have rather a provocative style. They capture the story of her subject in a single frame.